Essential oils for children - safety and benefits

Are essential oils safe for children?

When used the right way, essential oils are not only safe, but they can be extremely beneficial for your little ones! If you're just getting started with essential oils for your children, follow these tips..


When it comes to safety and essential oils, the most important thing to remember is to dilute! Essential oils are extremely potent, which is why they come in such small bottles. A little goes a long way, so always use a carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil when applying essential oils.

You can follow this guide when diluting for children:
Children under 2: (Do not use essential oils with infants under 3 months old, avoid using oils on babies face, mouth, and hands to avoid contact with eyes):
follow a .25-.5%% dilution ratio or 1 drop of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil

For Children Ages 2-5 - follow a .5% dilution ratio or 1 drop of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil

For Children Ages 6-10 - follow a 1% dilution ratio or 2 drops of essential oils per 10ml of carrier oil

Bottoms of the feet

The safest place to apply essential oils is on the bottoms of the feet! The pores on the bottoms of feet are some of the largest on the body, making it ideal for absorption. The skin on the bottoms of the feet is thick and durable, so there's less risk of sensitivity or reaction.

Start small

Children, especially, have sensitive skin, so it’s a good idea to test a small area of the skin to see how their skin reacts. Once you know the oil isn’t causing any reactions, start small and go slow.

When diffusing, start with just a few drops and work your way up.

Avoid minty oils

Minty oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, wintergreen, and rosemary should be avoided around children.

Which Essential Oils Should I Use?

Immune and Respiratory Support -

  • Copaiba

  • Balsam Fir

  • Lemon

Promote Focus -

  • Lemon

  • Grapefruit

  • Frankincense

Better Sleep -

  • Lavender

  • Cedarwood

  • Frankincense

Soothe Skin -

  • Lavender

  • Frankincense

Tummy Relief -

  • Spearmint

Promote Calm -

  • Copaiba

  • Lavender

  • Frankincense

Essential oil safety: Peppermint oil is great for reducing tummy aches in kids and adults, but should be avoided for children under 3 years old.

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