Simple ginger tea for health

I once read that ginger and turmeric are two of the healthiest things people can consume - like most health studies, I’m sure it varies person to person.

However, that bit of information stuck with me - so I started incorporating ginger into my diet.

I don’t EAT ginger everyday, but I do drink it everyday. And it’s AMAZING.

Here’s the recipe for my daily delicious ginger tea:

  • 1 “hunk” Ginger (1-1.5 inch piece)

  • Hot water

  • 1/2-1 Tablespoon Honey

Cut skin off the ginger and put the hunk in your mug. Pour hot water in mug, and add honey.

Allow it to cool for 3-5 minutes, sip and enjoy.

What’s your fav kind of tea? … or coffee?☕️

RecipesOlivia Shaffer