Ep. 070: Morning affirmation pep talk

Our thoughts become our reality is a phrase that’s thrown around often and can easily be found when searching for inspiring quotes on pinterest. But is it actually true?

Short answer yessss, it is - there are so many studies that prove this as true.

The average person has 6,200 thoughts a day. How many of your thoughts are positive ones about yourself?

They say we become the 5 people we spend the most time with - and the person you talk to the most is not your best friend, not your sister, not your mom, not even your partner - it's YOURSELF. 

If your love language is words of affirmation - this is especially important for you.

Positive self talk is life changing and the way you talk to and about yourself is shaping your self image. It doesn't matter if your partner thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world, or intelligent, and capable, and worthy - what matters most is what YOU think about yourself.

Having supportive  and uplifting people in our lives is so important and so amazing - but how can you truly appreciate their love if you don't FEEL that way from the inside?

Every morning, when my coffee is brewing, I pull an affirmation card - you can buy these exact cards on my website, or you can just think of one in your head. I shuffle the cards and stop shuffling when I feel ready and pull the card on top - in some way or another, I feel a connection to my personal life with the card I pulled. 

I recently pulled a card that stated “I am a creator”, it says this underneath it:

Everything around me began as a thought. My clothes, my home, and even the roads I drive on were once just thoughts. When I take the time to contemplate my surroundings, I grasp all of the thoughts that took place to create the world. Likewise, my thoughts have created things. My thoughts create my actions and thereby create my life as I know it. Therefore, I strive and I strive to think about my desires optimistically. I am a creator.

Heck yes you are! How amazing would you feel if you had a message like that every single morning. Just while your coffee is brewing. You’re worthy of that and I want you to know how freaking amazing you are.

Being an adult is hard, being a parent is hard, going to work is hard, not going to work is hard, sometimes it feels like everything you do is judged and put under a microscope and judged by someone. But girl, those judgments are coming from other people and you have no control of their thoughts. 

Plus judgmental thoughts are just others projecting their own insecurities onto you. You can only control your own thoughts, the world might be tough on you sometimes but you can be kind to yourself daily. You’re worthy of feeling free from the judgement and criticism of others. When your self-talk is positive, you might feel untouchable - you'll be able to shake off rude comments easily because you know your heart is in the right place and you're confident in the woman you're becoming. You're unstoppable and you're worthy whether you tackled your to do list like a champ or if you took a self care day and threw the to do list out the window and took some time for yourself. Or there's a lot of moms who listen to my podcast - if the only thing you did today was keep your little humans alive, that's something to celebrate. Kids are amazing, but their also hard sometimes and might make you question your own parenting style. But girl - I don't know you, but if you're listening to a podcast like this I know you're doing your best and that makes you an amazing momma.

You’re worthy of feeling amazing, confident, loved, bold, worthy, and so many other things. Every morning write down I am ________. And fill in the blank. I am happy, I am worthy, I am thankful, I am doing my best and that makes me amazing. Write it down every morning for the 30 days straight and watch your self talk become more positive. 

If you prefer using the cards, like me, I have them linked here for you - they're only 15 and I promise they'll change your life for the better - one simple card at a time. 

Thank you so much for being here. 



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