30 Holistic Swaps I learned in 30 Years

I turned 30 this week! And these are 30 holistic swaps I’ve learned in my 30 years on Earth. 

  1. Sleeping with a humidifier on

    1. Great for your skin, hair, and plants! You won’t wake up with a scratchy throat once you start sleeping with a humidifier on!

  2. Plants in the home for fresh air

    1. The best plants to purify the air are spider plants, devils ivy, and peace lillies!

  3. Essential oil diffusers instead of wall plug in  

    1. Wall plug ins are usually full of synthetic fragrances, so instead I use an essential oil diffuser!

  4. Beeswax candles instead of paraffin wax

    1. If you LOVE candles, make the swap to beeswax! Instead of adding toxins in the air like paraffin wax candles, beeswax candles cleanse the air. 

  5. Reusable sandwich baggies instead of single use

    1. Reducing single use plastic wherever possible - reusable ones are the best!

  6. Beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap

    1. Also a fun, simple DIY to make!

  7. Water filter instead of tap water  

    1. My water filter takes my water from tasting like a swimming pool to tasting clean and crisp - this is the exact one I use. 

  8. Oil pulling every morning

    1. Oral health is the new skincare routine, take care of your mouth by oil pulling every morning - my teeth are whiter and far less sensitive since oil pulling!

  9. Aloe based shampoo (Use code LIVHOLISTIC)

    1. My hair went from thin and damaged to a lions mane over the past couple years and my Aloe Based Shampoo plays a major part in that role.

  10. Toothpaste bites instead of plastic tube  (Use code LIVHOLISTIC) 

    1. Another simple way to reduce plastic!

  11. DIY vinegar based cleaning solutions 

    1. Did you know cleaning solutions can contribute to asthma and indoor air pollution? Making your own nontoxic cleaning solutions is so simple, affordable, and you can use them with confidence!

  12. Baking soda as a scrubber 

    1. If vinegar is the king of nontoxic cleaning, baking soda is the queen - both are so essential to cleaning. I put baking soda down my sink every night as a deodorizer!

  13. Lemons down the drain to clean garbage disposal 

    1. A simple way to clean your garbage disposal is to slice a lemon, throw it in, and turn on the garbage disposal - such a simple + affordable way to clean it!

  14. DIY air freshener instead of synthetic fragrances  

    1. Making your own air freshener is so simple - learn how here with this video!

  15. Dry brushing 

    1. Dry brushing in a circular motion before sharing to help promote blood flow!

  16. Castor oil liver packs

    1. Better sleep, better bathroom trips, and feeling refreshed in the morning! I’ll be sharing more about this on IG soon!

  17. Magnesium night drink (Use code LIV25)

    1. I never realized I was lacking magnesium until I started taking magnesium and noticed the difference - I drink at night for a solid nights sleep and wake up feeling refreshed!

  18. Reusable produce bags https://amzn.to/3FmCacQ 

    1. Reduce plastic when at the grocery store with reusable bags!

  19. DIY dish soap

    1. Learn how to make it here! Watch video on IG.

  20. Lavender oil on bottoms of feet at night

    1. Can you tell I’m obsessed with getting a good nights rest? Dilute and rub lavender on the bottoms of your feet and sleep like a bebé!

  21. DIY essential oil perfume

    1. Reduce synthetic fragrances by making your own perfume, you also get to control the exact aroma you want! My current favorite is geranium and orange!

  22. Crystal deodorant

    1. Not an actual crystal, but it does look like one! This one ingredient deo that lasts a year is my FAV!

  23. Glass food containers instead of plastic ones

    1. Did you know if you microwave plastic food containers that microplastics can leach into your food? Glass is the way to go!

  24. Smart lights set to red to mental well being

    1. These are new for me, and since I made the swap with one lamp I bought 6 more bulbs to turn every light in my home into a smart light! 

  25. Peppermint oil for a headache

    1. If you have a headache, try rubbing diluted peppermint oil on your temples. 

  26. Baking soda as a carpet deodorizer

    1. The queen of cleaning strikes again! Learn how to do it here! 

  27. Pluggy instead of wall plug in  

    1. Another swap for wall plug ins - the pluggy looks and acts just like a wall plug in, except without the synthetic fragrances. 

  28. ACV & Epsom salt baths 

    1. Soothing for your mind and your muscles, add ACV or epsom salts into a bath and enjoy. 

  29. All natural skin care

    1. Our skin is our largest organ, so it’s important to make sure our skincare routine is made with all natural ingredients! 

  30. Rosemary serum & tea for hair growth

    1. Rosemary oil was once called the “rogaine” of essential oils & it certainly worked well on my hair and so many others!

Which swap/tip is your favorite?

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Thank you so much for being here! XOXO,


Olivia ShafferComment