Essential Oils for The Digestive System 

Digestive issues can be uncomfortable. Whether you’re dealing with a stomach bug or trying to support a healthy digestive system through the holidays, these essential oils can help improve your gut health and ease your symptoms!


Ginger is a well known remedy for supporting digestive health. Ginger is an antispasmodic, meaning it slows down the intestinal tract, helping with nausea and vomiting. Ginger can also help with reflux, bloating, and constipation. 

Safety: When using ginger, or any essential oil, remember to always dilute! You can read more about dilution in this blog post!

Do not ingest internally. 

Children: Ginger oil should not be used with children under the age of 10. 

Pregnancy: Ginger oil is generally considered safe for pregnant women, but always consult with your OB. 

Cats: Ginger oil is safe for use with cats. 

Dogs: Ginger oil is safe for use with dogs.

Peppermint Essential Oil 

Peppermint is another antispasmodic that helps the muscle of the bowel wall to relax. It can help relieve stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea. It’s a great oil to use after a big holiday meal!

Safety: When using peppermint, or any essential oil, remember to always dilute! You can read more about dilution in this blog post!

Do not ingest internally. 

Children: Peppermint oil should not be used with children under the age of 10. 

Pregnancy: Peppermint oil is generally considered safe for pregnant women, but always consult with your OB. 

Cats: Peppermint oil is not recommended for use with cats. 

Dogs: Peppermint oil is not recommended for use with dogs.

Spearmint Essential Oil 

Spearmint essential oil works much like peppermint but is a more gentle oil with a more subtle scent. It’s a great oil to use with children when they’re dealing with an upset tummy. 

Safety: When using spearmint, or any essential oil, remember to always dilute! You can read more about dilution in this blog post!

Do not ingest internally. 

Children: Spearmint oil should not be used with children under the age of 2. 

Pregnancy: Spearmint oil is generally considered safe for pregnant women, but always consult with your OB. 

Cats: Spearmint oil is not recommended for use with cats. 

Dogs: Spearmint oil is not recommended for use with dogs.

Want to make your own DIY Digestive Support Blend? Check out my latest Short on YouTube!