Essential Oils for Grounding 

We could all use a little extra relaxation in our days. 

These essential oils are a great addition to your mindfulness practice to help you manage stress and feel grounded. 

Watch the full video on my YouTube channel!


Cedarwood is thought to be one of the first essential oils to be extracted from a plant. It’s been used to fight off infection and promote relaxation. 

It’s one of my favorite oils to diffuse before bedtime or during meditation to help me relax and stay present. 


Frankincense was historically used in religious rituals. It is a grounding oil, helping to boost your mood and calm your worries. 

I love applying frankincense to my pulse points during yoga, meditation, or whenever I need to center myself. 


Patchouli was originally used for medicinal purposes and as an insect repellent. It’s also been known to help with hair, skin, and stress!

If you want to start the day on a peaceful note, or need an instant mood post, reach for patchouli. I like to rub this in my hands and take a deep breath before meditation or yoga. 


Vetiver has been used for centuries to balance emotions and calm the body. It helps with promoting restful sleep and easing anxiety. 

If you struggle with relaxing when it’s time for bed, you may want to apply vetiver to the bottoms of your feet each night. I also like to apply it during stressful situations or when I have racing thoughts. 


If you’ve ever smelled cypress oil (or walked through a Christmas tree farm), you know how powerful the scent is for helping you relax and feel grounded. It’s even been documented that Hippocrates used cypress oil in his bath. 

Cypress is a great oil to diffuse before bed or during yoga to help you stay present and calm your mind. 

How to use


Diffusing is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of your oils. Pick your favorite oil, or blend of oils, and add 5 drops per 100ml of water. 

This is a great way to help you stay grounded during meditation, prayer, stretching, or yoga.

Diffusing on the go 

My favorite way to diffuse when on the go or when I need a quick boost is to add a drop of oil to my hand, rub my hands together, and cup over my mouth and nose while taking a deep breath. 

Topical Use 

Another way to reap the benefits of essential oils is to apply them topically. I love doing this before I start the day, before bed, and anytime I want to promote mindfulness and stay grounded. 

Dilute your oils and apply them to the bottoms of your feet for a total body grounding effect. 

Want to learn more about staying grounded with essential oils? Watch the full video on my YouTube channel!