5 Grounding rituals to reconnect with yourself

We hear it everywhere, “I just wanna feel more grounded

But like...ok? What does that mean and how do we do it?

At least that’s what I wondered when I heard this being said everywhere I turned.

“Being grounded” simply means that you’re present in your body and connected with Earth. 

Here’s how you can feel more grounded too:

  • Meditate/breathing exercise: Meditating and focusing on your breath helps you slow down and reconnect with yourself and allows you to be present. Starting your day with meditation can help you manage daily stressors with more ease and when in a stressful situation, pause and take 5 deep breaths to bring yourself back into your body. 

  • Epsom/pink Himalayan salt bath: Other than being amazing for your skin, Epsom and pink Himalayan salts are also grounding. They help relax your whole body while also nourishing your body. Add bath salts to a bath once a week. Buy all natural bath salts here

  • Aromatherapy: Diffuse earthy essential oils like cedarwood, vetiver, patchouli, ginger, or sandalwood to create a grounding and calming atmosphere. Or add a drop to the palm of your hand and cup your hands over your nose and take a deep breath in. Instant grounding. Buy Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils here

  • Journaling: This brings you directly into the moment. Write down how your day was, what you're feeling, and what you're grateful for. 

  • Spending time in nature/walking barefoot: Walk barefoot in the sand, grass, dirt, or water to really connect with Earth and almost immediately ground yourself and help you reconnect. 

Choose one grounding technique and try it today, then try another one tomorrow and take note on how you feel. You’re worth it. Thanks for showing up for yourself.

XO, Liv