A Beginners Guide to Using Crystals

Maybe you've heard how crystals help with anxiety or sleep, or maybe you just think they look cool on your shelf. Either way, getting started with crystals may feel overwhelming. 

In this guide, we'll break down how to shop for, choose, and cleanse your crystals, and we'll look at a few of my favorites!

How to shop for crystals

It's best to shop for crystals in a store, so you can physically hold them in your hand before deciding which one (or ten!) you want to buy. Find a crystal you're drawn to, hold it in your hand, and focus on how it feels and makes you feel. Is your hand tingling? Does it feel cold or warm? If you feel a sensation when holding the crystal, it's a good sign that that's the one you should bring home with you. 

Shopping in person also allows you to support a local business and ask any questions you may have about crystals. You'll walk away with some fun crystals, but you'll also learn something new!

Cleansing crystals

According to Belita Greenaway in her book, The Little Book of Crystals, there are four ways to cleanse your crystals. 

Salt Cleansing

Salt cleansing is believed to spiritually disinfect your crystals. Pour a large amount of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt into a bowl and submerge your crystals in the salt for 24 hours. 

Rainwater Cleansing

Rainwater carries cleansing and healing energy. To cleanse your crystals in rainwater, collect rainwater in a bowl and soak your crystals in the bowl for a few hours. This is believed to free the crystal from vibrational contaminants. Certain crystals, like selenite, cannot be placed in water. 

Sun and Moon Cleansing

Many believe that leaving crystals outside to soak up the moonlight on a full moon or new moon is one of the best ways to cleanse your crystals. You can also let your crystals soak up sunlight on a beautiful sunny day. Some crystals, like quartz, will fade in sunlight - double check to ensure the crystals you have are ok with being in the sun. 

Sage Cleansing

Light a sage incense or white sage stick and allow the crystal to drift in and out of the smoke. This is a great way to cleanse your crystals and your home. 

*Before cleaning, check to see the best cleansing method for each of your crystals. 

A few favorites 

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is linked to love and affection. Charge and wear rose quartz to invite love and friendship into your life. 

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is one of the most popular and most used crystals. It's often found in watches and jewelry. Clear quartz is healing and helps amplify the power of other crystals (just like frankincense essential oil helps amplify the properties of other essential oils!). If you are undecided about what crystal is best for you - get clear quartz.  


Amethyst is believed to soothe the nervous system, especially in children. Hold an amethyst in your hand during meditation, or keep it by your bedside for restful sleep. 

Source: The Little Book of Crystals by Belita Greenaway

Buy her book here. 

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