How to Make Your Own Dry Shampoo 

You’ve probably learned by now that washing your hair every day isn’t the healthiest for your hair or your scalp - and who has time for that anyway? 

If you’re anything like me, dry shampoo is what gets you through the days in between. Unfortunately, however, most dry shampoos contain ingredients that are not only harmful to your health but are not so great for your hair either. 

If you’re shopping for dry shampoo, here’s a list of ingredients to avoid:


Talc is found in many mineral-based products. It can be contaminated with asbestos fibers, which leads to respiratory irritation and cancer.

LPG’s (Liquid Petroleum Gas) Butane, Propane & Isobutane 

If you’re using an aerosol dry shampoo, it probably contains LPGs. They cause respiratory issues, headaches, and nausea and are extremely harmful to the environment. 

Silicones, Siloxane, and Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 

These ingredients can disrupt your hormone balance, affect your endocrine system, and harm the environment. 


Fragrance is an ingredient that can hide hundreds of chemicals that cause irritation, allergies, hormone disruption, and more. 

Are there cleaner options? 

While there are quite a few clean dry shampoos on the market, I’ve noticed they are all made with a few simple ingredients but priced at upwards of $20. So instead, I make my own with a few ingredients you probably have in your kitchen. 

DIY Dry Shampoo

Darker hair: 

  • 2 Tbsp Dutch Cocoa Powder

  • 1 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder

Lighter hair:

  • 1 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

  • 1 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder

Adjust the ingredients to match your hair color and apply with a fluffy makeup brush right on the roots. 

Apply with a fluffy makeup brush as needed!

Click here to shop all the ingredients. If you want to try this recipe but DIY isn’t your thing, you can find the premade Dry Shampoo in my shop! 

To learn more, you can watch this video on my YouTube channel and comment with any questions you may have!

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