DIY cleaning (ALL the solutions in one post!)

The average household cleaner has 62 different chemicals in it, that can add up really quickly when you’re cleaning your home. 

Conventional cleaning solutions can contribute to indoor air pollution, can irritate your lungs while cleaning, cause allergy-like symptoms, and long term use of conventional cleaning products has been linked to increased risk of cancer.

When we wipe our countertops off with a disinfectant wipe made with harsh chemicals, we eventually end up consuming trace particles of the solution when we prep our food on the same countertops.

However, making your own DIY cleaning products is simple, affordable and made with safe ingredients - for you, your family and your pets (who are family too!). 

Let’s break it down one cleaning solution at a time. 

DIY Furniture Polish:

  • 1 C White Vinegar

  • ¼ Olive Oil

  • 2 Tbls Lemon Juice

  • 30 Drops Lavender Oil

  • 400 mL Tinted Glass Spray Bottle


  • Combine all ingredients in the spray bottle. 

  • Shake before every use. 

  • Use as normal. 

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, kids, and pets. 

Tip: For darker wood, swap white vinegar with apple cider vinegar. 

DIY Streak Free Glass Cleaner:

  • 1 C White Vinegar

  • 1 C Water

  • 10 Drops Lemon Oil

  • 400 mL Tinted Glass Spray Bottle


  • Combine all ingredients in the spray bottle. 

  • Shake before every use. 

  • Use as normal - great for mirrors, windows, and glass doors!

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, kids, and pets. 

DIY Tile Floor Cleaner:

  • ¼ C Baking Soda

  • ¼ C Lemon Juice

  • 3 tbsp Table Salt

  • 3 tbls Castile Soap

  • ½ C White Vinegar

  • 30 Drops Lavender Oil

  • 30 Drops Lemongrass Oil

  • 400 mL Tinted Glass Container


  • In a 400 mL glass container, combine ingredients in order listed above. 

  • Solution will bubble (this is a normal chemical reaction - think 5th grade science experiment making a volcano). 

  • Allow the fizz to go down before adding the next ingredient. 

  • Shake before every use. 

  • Open the lid slowly to allow pressure to release. 

  • Do not screw the lid tight, gently place the lid on top and twist once. 

  • Add ¼ C solution to a bucket of warm water. 

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, kids, and pets. 

DIY All Purpose Solution: (Great for countertops!)

  • 1 C White Vinegar

  • 1 C Water

  • 10 Drops Lemon Oil

  • 15 Drops Lavender Oil

  • 400 mL Tinted Glass Spray Bottle


  • Combine all ingredients in the spray bottle. 

  • Shake before every use. 

  • Use as normal - great for countertops, bathtubs, and wiping down phone cases. 

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, kids, and pets.