7 ingredients to avoid in children's sunscreen

Kids' skin can be a little bit more sensitive than adults, so it's extra important that they use a clean sunscreen.

When buying sunscreen (and most skin care products!). It's most important to look at the ingredients. When you know what ingredients to avoid, making safe choices becomes much easier. 


  • Fragrances or Parfum:

    “Fragrance” can be used to label over 3,000 different chemicals. The risks are typically similar to allergy symptoms and in more extreme cases can trigger an asthma attack. I like to avoid fragrances in as many products as possible. 

  • Oxybenzone and Octocrylene 

    Double dipping on avoiding both these ingredients! Both of these chemicals damage Coral Reef by making it more susceptible  to bleaching. They’re both a hormone disruptor specifically affecting estrogen and testosterone. Check for sunscreens that say “reef safe.” As of March 2021, this ingredient has been banned in Hawai’i due to its danger to the Coral Reef and sea life. 

  • Homosalate:

    “A recent opinion from the European Commission found that homosalate was not safe to use at concentrations up to 10 percent and recommended a maximum concentration of 1.4 percent, because of concerns for potential endocrine disruption (SCCS 2020). The FDA allows U.S. sunscreen manufacturers to use it in concentrations up to 15 percent. (EWG)”

  • Octisalate:

    This ingredient increases the risk of a rash or skin irritation in young children. 

  • Octinoxate:

    This ingredient is an organic UV filter, and can cause allergic reactions when exposed to ultraviolet light. In low amounts, this ingredient typically isn't harmful, however, it's been found in blood samples in amounts 16x the amount deemed safe by the FDA. Animal studies show that this  “chemical has hormone effects on the metabolic system and affects thyroid hormone production (Seidlova-Wuttke 2006).”

  • Avobenzone

    If you go to the pool often, this is an ingredient you really want to avoid. Studies show that Avobenzone may turn toxic when exposed to chlorine. “The study suggests reactions from these chemicals interacting form new compounds that could result in kidney and liver dysfunction and nervous system disorders.” (Tropic Sport, 2018)

To keep the blog free and loaded with juicy content and clean recommendations, shop the affiliated Amazon link for your sunscreen! :)

Sunscreens that scored a 0 (The cleanest possible score) on Think Dirty App based off their ingredients:

  • Babo Botanicals Baby Mineral Sunscreen - Shop Here

  • Babo Botanicals Sheer Zinc Continuous Spray Sunscreen - Shop Here

  • Babo Botanicals Mineral Sunscreen Stick - Shop Here

P.S. As an adult, I love using baby sunscreen - it's fine for adults too and safe for babies, so you only need to buy and carry one sunscreen around. 


EWG, “The trouble with ingredients in sunscreens,” https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/the-trouble-with-sunscreen-chemicals/

Tropic Sport, 2018 May 16, “What’s Wrong With Sunscreens Containing Avobenzone?”


Olivia ShafferComment