11 Sources of plant-based protein

When eating a vegan or plant-based diet, the common concern for many is that they may be lacking sufficient protein. But have no fear, eating enough protein on a vegan diet is easy! I’ll share with you some of my favorite sources of plant-based protein.


Edamame beans are whole, immature soybeans. Soy products are among the richest sources of protein in a plant-based diet.

One cup of edamame contains 17 grams of protein.


Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense leafy greens you can eat. Make a yummy spinach salad or add a handful to your morning smoothie.

One cup of spinach contains 5 grams of protein.


Chickpeas are high in protein and extremely versatile! They can be eaten hot or cold in different recipes, roasted for a quick snack, or made into hummus.

One cup of chickpeas contains 39 grams of protein.


While beans, in general, contain a lot of protein, lentils are at the top of the list! They’re delicious in stews, curries, or salads for an extra portion of protein.

One cup of lentils contains 18 grams of protein.


Almonds are great for snacking. They’re high in protein and contain vitamin E, which is great for the skin and eyes.

One cup of almonds contains 30 grams of protein.


Quinoa is a grain rich in protein, as well as other nutrients including magnesium, iron, fiber, and manganese. There are so many ways to use quinoa, so this is a staple in your plant-based pantry!

One cup of quinoa contains 8 grams of protein.

Chia seeds

These teeny seeds are packed with protein and nutrients. Sprinkle them on your salad, add to your smoothies, or make a yummy chia pudding.

One tablespoon of chia seeds contains 4.7 grams of protein.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae that’s high in protein and rich in nutrients. It comes in powder form, so adding a sprinkle to your smoothie is an easy, tasteless way to get some extra protein in.


Adding beans to almost any dish is a great way to add protein.

One cup of kidney beans contains 13.4 grams of protein.


Another leafy green that is rich in protein! Kale can be added to smoothies, cooked in soups, or made into kale chips for a salty snack.

One cup of kale contains 2.2 grams of protein.

Ezekiel bread

This specific bread is made of barley, wheat, lentils, millet, and spelt. It’s a great alternative if you’re looking for something more nutrient-dense than traditional bread.

One slice contains 5 grams of protein.

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