DIY essential oil foaming handsoap

It was a hard pill for me to swallow when I learned that antibacterial soap has risky side effects. Most brands have an ingredient called Triclosan in it, which has various side effects such as possible antibiotic resistance. 

On top of that, they might also have synthetic fragrances in them, which can be one or more of over 3,000+ chemicals with more side effects! Short term side effects from fragrances are typically rash, headache, itchy/watery eyes. 

So that’s why I love making my own hand soap, it’s safer, eco-friendly, and affordable!

Here’s how I make it:



  • Pour liquid ingredients into the foaming pump container, screw on lid and shake. 

  • Use as needed just like regular soap. 

Let me know how you like it in the comments! 



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