Essential Oil Mistakes You Might be Making and How to Use Them Correctly: A beginners Guide to Essential Oils

I love essential oils and I use them daily. But when I first started using them, I had no idea what I was doing - I made BIG mistakes, like ingesting them, not diluting them properly, even using some oils on my cat!

I learned my lesson and went to aromatherapy school to unlearn the harmful practices I picked up and relearned the safe and correct way of using oils. 

This blog post is everything I wish I knew before using oils, consider this your beginners guide to using oils so you don’t make the same mistakes I made. 

Essential oils can be very beneficial for our health and a great alternative to some over the counter medicines, but it’s important to use them safely so they can be effective and beneficial instead of harmful. 

Here are 7 essential oil mistakes you might be making and what you can do instead

Applying Essential Oils Directly to the Skin

One of the most common mistakes people make when using essential oils is applying them directly to the skin without proper dilution. Essential oils are highly concentrated and can cause skin irritation, redness, or even burns when used undiluted. Always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil, such as coconut, almond, or jojoba oil, before applying them to the skin. 

Ingesting Essential Oils

While some essential oils are safe for ingestion in small quantities under the care of a trained professional, most essential oils should not be consumed internally nor for everyday use. Ingesting essential oils can cause serious health problems, including liver and stomach damage or nausea and heartburn. Do not ingest oils on your own. 

Not doing a Patch Test

Before applying a new essential oil to your skin, it's important to do a patch test. This involves applying a small amount of diluted oil on your inner wrist and waiting for 24 hours to see if any adverse reactions occur. This can help you avoid allergic reactions or skin sensitivities.

Using Certain Essential Oils Around Pets and Children

Some essential oils can be toxic to pets and children, so it's important to use caution when using essential oils around them. Below is a list of oils to avoid on children and pets. 

Avoid these oils for topical use and diffusing around children:

  • Cassia (10+)

  • Cedarwood (5+)

  • Clove (10+)

  • Eucalyptus (10+)

  • Lemongrass (10+)

  • Peppermint (10+)

  • Rosemary (10+)

  • Ylang Ylang (10+)

Avoid topical application and diffusing these oils in a small area around dogs:

  • Cassia

  • Clove

  • Cypress

  • Eucalyptus

  • Rosemary

  • Spearmint

  • Tea Tree

  • Ylang Ylang

Avoid topical application of all oils and diffusing these oils in a small area around cats:

  • Cassia

  • Clove

  • Cypress

  • Eucalyptus

  • Geranium

  • Grapefruit (Cats generally do not enjoy any citrus aromas)

  • Lavender

  • Lemon

  • Lemongrass

  • Orange

  • Peppermint

  • Rosemary

  • Spearmint

  • Tea Tree

  • Ylang Ylang

Using Low-Quality Essential Oils

Not all essential oils are created equal. Using low-quality essential oils can result in poor results and even adverse reactions. Always use high-quality, pure essential oils from reputable sources. Liv Holistic essential oils are 3rd party tested for quality and are 100% pure - Shop oils here

Not checking the safety before using a new oil

Essential oil safety is essential. Some oils can interact with certain medications, below are some common oils to avoid if the aliment pertains to you. 

  • Lavender + Ylang Ylang: Avoid if you have low blood pressure

  • Clove + Wintergreen: Avoid if you’re on blood thinning medication

  • Rosemary + Eucalyptus: Avoid if you’re prone to seizures 

  • Cedarwood: Use in moderation if you have a ragweed allergy

Along with this, not all essential oils are safe to use while pregnant or nursing. Download the safety guide for a full list here

Not diluting the oils differently for age and use

Younger, older, and pregnancy all call for higher dilution rates of any essential oil. Plus some essential oils always require more dilution such as lemongrass oil. 

Proper dilution can also be found on the safety guide here

Essential oils can provide many benefits when used properly. However, it's important to avoid the common mistakes outlined in this blog post to ensure that you use essential oils safely and effectively. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the many benefits of essential oils safely and effectively.

As an aromatherapist, I noticed many people using essential oils incorrectly, which is why I include safety tip cards with every oil. That way you can use the essential oils with confidence knowing that you’re using them correctly. Shop essential oils here