Essential oils in my travel "first aid kit"

When it comes to travel, I like to be prepared. Even when I'm packing light, these are the staple solution I always have on hand for minor wounds, mosquito bites, sunburn, rashes, cuts, and scrapes - you name it!

I'm spending the next few weeks hiking through Costa Rica, so I'm stocking up on these favorites for injuries, illness, and those WTF moments that come with travel!

Sunburn Solution 

Despite being a sunscreen lover and reapplying, I feel better having a solution prepared "just in case" - plus, if anyone in my group gets sunburn, I'll be able to help them. For a list of my favorite reef-safe sunscreens, click here


16 oz bottle of pure aloe

10 drops of lavender essential oil

5 drops peppermint essential oil (swap with spearmint for children)

How to:

Add essential oils to the bottle

Shake to stir

Apply a generous amount as needed 

Check dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution



Do not use if you have low blood pressure

Do not use in the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Do not ingest


Do not use with children under ten

Avoid contact with eyes

Do not ingest

Check dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution

Post Bug Bite Anti-itch Cream

When I first moved to Fiji, I got sooooo many mosquito bites. A weird trick that helped get the itch away was rubbing the inside of a banana peel over my bites. I'm not sure how or why it helped, but it did. In a pinch, I might be trying this again in Costa Rica, but I'll also have an essential oil solution to help soothe the itchy bites.


1 oz fractionated coconut oil (or any carrier oil)

10 drops of Lavender essential oil

1 oz dropper bottle

How to:

Add essential oil and carrier oil to the dropper bottle


Apply a small amount over bug bites and rub in

*Add 2 drops of tea tree to this solution to help soothe and heal blisters from shoes/rubbing. 

Check the dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution



Do not use if you have low blood pressure

Do not use in 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Do not ingest

Check dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution

Minor Cuts and Scrapes Solution

*For minor injuries only

Someone inevitably gets a cut from a sharp rock, pointy tree, or sticker bush - so let's be prepared and reduce the risk of infection. 


1 oz fractionated coconut oil (or any carrier oil)

10 drops of tea tree essential oil

1 oz dropper bottle

How to:

Add essential oil and carrier oil to the dropper bottle


Apply a small amount around minor cut/scrap. Do not apply directly in an open wound. 

Check the dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution 


Tea Tree

Do not use on pets

Do not ingest

Do not apply directly in an open wound

Minor injuries only

Check dilution chart for age-appropriate dilution

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