Essential oils in the bath

There’s nothing quite like a bath to relax and unwind. A warm bath alone is therapeutic and can have many health benefits. Essential oils can be added to your bath to create an even more relaxing experience and benefit your health in a variety of ways!

When adding essential oils to your bath, mix a few drops of essential oils with a handful of Epsom salts or carrier oil, like jojoba oil, before adding to the water.

Here are a few oils to try for your next bath...

Create a Calming Bath with lavender and frankincense

Lavender and frankincense are likely two of the oils you think of when you want to relax or create a calming environment. Not only does the aroma of these oils bring instant feelings of peace, adding them to your bath will help your mind and muscles relax!

Bonus - lavender and frankincense promote healthy skin, so your skin will feel extra fresh and glowy after your bath!

Open your airways with lemon and eucalyptus
A hot bath or shower feels so nice when you're under the weather. Adding lemon and

eucalyptus can help open your airways and support your immune system for a speedy recovery.

Soothe Sore Muscles with lavender and blue tansy

If you’re feeling sore after a workout, a warm bath can be just what you need. Epsom salts are great for soothing sore muscles. Lavender and blue tansy take it one step further for ultimate relief! Not to mention, this will create the best smelling bath you’ve ever had!

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