Reduce odors in your home without toxic air fresheners

Everyone wants a house that smells clean and fresh 24/7, but sometimes odors creep in. You may be tempted to spray an air freshener to freshen up your space, but trust me, there’s a better way!

Traditional air fresheners, plug-ins, candles, and room sprays are made with artificial fragrances that can be extremely hazardous to your health. Here are a few clean, simple, and safe ways to reduce odors in your home, naturally.

Baking Soda Carpet + Sink Sprinkle

This simple DIY works double duty as a sink scrub and a carpet freshener. You can whip this up in about 2 seconds and you’ll be on your way to fresh carpets and a sparkling sink!

Essential Oil Diffusers

Not only is this a cleaner alternative to traditional air fresheners, but essential oil diffusers also act as decor in your home. Diffusing essential oils can also have therapeutic benefits!

Trash Can Refresh

To keep your trash can smelling fresh, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a cotton ball and toss it at the bottom of your trash can. Replace it each time you take out the trash!

Essential Oil Room Sprays

Room sprays are a simple DIY and easy way to keep your home smelling fresh. In a 2 oz spray bottle combine about 20 drops of essential oils, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and fill the rest with distilled water.

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