What is "fair trade" and why does it matter?

You have likely seen a fair trade label on things like coffee or chocolate. It’s one of those things we know is a better choice. When we purchase fair trade we are supporting farmers in the countries where we get our crops, but what does it really mean?

In short, fair trade ensures a product was sustainably sourced and is environmentally friendly. Not only do farmers benefit from fair trade methods, but the earth does as well!

One product I always choose to purchase fair trade is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a staple in my wellness cabinet. I use it to dilute my essential oils, in my skincare, haircare, you name it!

Many coconut oil farmers sell to middlemen who don’t pay their farmers enough. This prevents farmers from the opportunity to invest in their farms or improve their practices, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

In the Philippines, around 40-60% of coconut farmers live in poverty, earning little more than a dollar a day.

By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, fair trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which often discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers.

Cocooil is the brand I love and trust for my coconut oil. They only use coconut oil produced sustainably in the Pacific Islands, supporting local communities and ensuring their ingredients are sourced ethically!

Buying from a company like Cocooil who uses fair trade certified ingredients, ensures decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

There is an environmental impact, no matter the product, that can only be reduced through shopping responsibly. Next time you’re shopping, dig a little deeper and find out if the products you’re purchasing are fair trade certified!