If I Could ONLY Have 10 Oils, It'd Be These

The first 5 launch was simple, the 5 I use the most. 

The second 5 was more difficult to come up with because I use A LOT of different oils weekly for various things and I love them ALL!

So many people don’t know that my fiance's job was to help businesses grow. He worked at a university and taught classes on Business Excellence. 

He was amazing at his job, he eventually quit his job to visit me in the US for 6 months - but that’s a story for another time. 

He saw I was struggling to come up with the next 5 essential oils so he asked me one question that made my decision so simple. 

He asked me:

“If you were traveling the world and could only take ten essential oils - what would they be?”

Mindblown. One question answered my problem. 

Immediately I listed out ten essential oils and he looked at me and said “Those will be your first ten to launch.”

Here are those ten essential oils I listed out and why I chose them:


The calming essential oil and most popular for a reason. Lavender oil is the most studied oil and is proven to help reduce anxious feelings and have a calming effect. I dilute with a carrier oil and rub it on the bottoms of my feet at night and add a few drops in the diffuser before bedtime. 


Lemon oil is in almost all of my cleaning DIYs. Did you know before conventional cleaning products existed people would rub lemons on tables to keep them clean because of its antibacterial properties? That’s one of the many reasons why I love lemon oil for cleaning, plus it smells so cheerful. 


I add frankincense to my nightly moisturizer, it helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and aging spots. It leaves my skin feeling healthy, vibrant, and glowing. 


Peppermint oil is my go to for headaches, period cramps, muscle aches, stomachaches, and bloating. Just dilute it with a carrier oil and rub where you need it. 

Tea Tree:

Tea tree oil is great for reducing acne and fungal things on your skin and nails. I’ve used it to get rid of nail fungus, dandruff, acne, and tinea versicolor. 


Other than smelling AMAZING, geranium helps create a calming, happy environment so no matter where you are you can feel soothed with geranium. This is another oil that can be used to reduce period cramps and is also great for your skin.

Sweet Orange:

Another amazing oil for your skin - orange oil can increase collagen, creating a healthy smooth glow for your skin! It can also be used in DIY cleaning recipes as a swap to lemon. 


I don’t use oregano oil often, but when I need it I’m so happy to have it. This is a great one to combine with tea tree to get rid of nail fungus. It can also support your immune system - dilute and rub on the bottoms of your feet when feeling under the weather. 


Since we are traveling the world, I thought I’d need some lemongrass to keep the bugs away. Dilute with a carrier oil and rub on your skin before a hike or being in nature and the bugs will stay far away from you. 


Another very popular oil known for reducing congestion and opening up your sinuses. Add a drop to your hand and cup your hands over your nose and take a deep breath to reduce congestion. 

What makes my line of essential oils different from the rest is that I include safety cards and recipes with each oil to make sure you know how to use them safely for you and your family!

Shop all ten essential oils HERE.

With gratitude, 
