Posts tagged geranium
Top 10 Ways to Use Geranium Essential Oil

Overall, geranium essential oil is a valuable and versatile oil that offers a wide range of benefits for the skin, hormones, mood, respiratory health, and more. When used responsibly, geranium oil can be a valuable tool in promoting overall health and wellbeing. In this blog post, we’ll talk about all these top benefits!

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Top Ways to Use Essential Oils with Kids this Summer

Summer is my favorite season. As a kid, I was outside everyday in the summer - swimming, running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, on the swing set, playing in the creek, all the outside things. I’m still outside everyday in the summer and doing a lot of the same things, and now I get to do these same summer fun activities with my nephews and niece. Here are some ways I’m using essential oils for myself and the kids this summer!

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