Nontoxic Ways to Keep Bugs Away this Summer

When I lived in Fiji, I was outside from the time I woke up to bedtime most days. I’d hike, go on walks, ride my bike, swim in the river, eat outside - it was just the norm to be outside or have all doors/windows wide open when inside. 

I was living in an interior village on the western side of the largest Fijian Island - Viti Levu. It was HOT.

I love the heat and sunshine, so I didn’t mind it most days - on unbearably hot days there was a river running through the village to swim. 

But you know what also loves the heat? Mosquitos. 

The Peace Corps provided us with the extra toxic bug spray along with other first aid type things. When the Peace Corps provides you with something, it’s always for a reason and they expect you to use it. Mosquitoes can carry diseases and they didn’t want us picking up Dengue Fever from the mozzies. 

Dengue Fever is a mosquito borne sickness that can come with fevers, rash, vomiting, headache, and muscle/joint pain. Nobody wants to get it. 

When I first arrived in Fiji, the bugs LOVED me - my legs were covered in bites from various bugs - ants, mosquitoes, and flies mainly. I didn’t want to be covered in bug bites and risk Dengue, but I also didn’t want to use the toxic bug spray. 

So I did what I knew best, and made my own bug spray using essential oils. 

Side Note Tip: If you do find yourself with an itchy bug bite, rub the inside of a banana peel over the bite. It reduces the itchiness! Below I also share an essential oil roller bottle too, just in case you don’t have a banana peel handy. 

DIY Bug Spray (kid safe 2+) (NOT PET SAFE)

  • 2 oz spray bottle

  • 5 Drops Tea Tree Oil

  • 5 Drops Lavender Oil

  • ¼ Tsp liquid carrier oil (I used almond oil)

  • Top with Witch Hazel

Spray on ankles, arms, and legs when enjoying the outdoors!

Watch DIY Video HERE!

DIY Screen Spray

I didn’t have screens on my windows in Fiji, so I would just diffuse peppermint oil - but if you don’t want to have a constant diffuser on - make this spray. 

Screen Spray:

  • 4 oz spray bottle

  • 5 Drops Peppermint Oil

  • Top with Filtered Water 

Spray on window screens every 2-3 days to keep bugs from hanging out around windows

Watch DIY Video HERE!

DIY Plant Spray

This is a problem I have with my house plants in Pennsylvania. I tend to either 100% forget I’m a plant mother OR an ove bearing plant mother and over water them. I’m working on finding the balance. 

One time when I was over watering, a few of my plants got fungus gnats. If you don’t know what they are, they're small pesky bugs that fly around your plant and sometimes fly around your face and up your nose. 

Here’s a natural solution for getting rid of bugs flying around your house plants. 

Fungus Gnat Spray:

  • 2 Oz Spray Bottle

  • 10 Drops of Peppermint Oil

  • Top with Hydrogen Peroxide

Spray on the soil of your plants daily until the bugs are gone, avoid spraying on leaves. 

Watch DIY Video HERE!

Shop 100% pure essential oils at an affordable price HERE!

Just in case you’re seeing this blog post too late and you already have a few bug bites, here is an after bug bite roller bottle solution that you can make to soothe the itchiness!

After Bug Bite Roller:

  • 10 mL roller bottle

  • 10 drops of Lavender Oil

  • 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil

  • Top with liquid carrier oil