Essential oils and pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a special time. It's also a time when you experience symptoms that you probably haven't experienced before and have limited options to find relief. Essential oils are a great, natural option to ease your symptoms and make your pregnancy go a little smoother!


Sleep can be a struggle for many pregnant moms. Whether it be baby kicking all night, feeling uncomfortable, or pregnancy insomnia, diffusing calming oils like lavender can help ensure you get the rest you need.

Headaches or discomfort

Some mamas experience headaches, tension, or general discomfort during pregnancy. Growing a human is no easy task, but rubbing copaiba on areas of discomfort may help ease your aches.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks may be inevitable for some, but supporting your skin as it stretches, will help your skin heal after baby. Mixing lavender and frankincense with some coconut oil or your favorite lotion can help support your stretching skin.

Nausea or heartburn

Some of the most common pregnancy symptoms are nausea and heartburn. A little ginger oil on your belly or throat can help soothe these digestive upsets.

Although many oils may be a benefit during pregnancy, there are some to avoid during pregnancy...

  • Aniseed

  • Basil

  • Birch

  • Camphor

  • Clary Sage

  • Oak Moss

  • Parsley Seed or Leaf

  • Peppermint

  • Rosemary

  • Tansy

  • Thuja

  • Thyme

  • Wintergreen

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