Posts tagged tea tree
Top Ways to Use Essential Oils with Kids this Summer

Summer is my favorite season. As a kid, I was outside everyday in the summer - swimming, running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, on the swing set, playing in the creek, all the outside things. I’m still outside everyday in the summer and doing a lot of the same things, and now I get to do these same summer fun activities with my nephews and niece. Here are some ways I’m using essential oils for myself and the kids this summer!

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Prevent Mold in Your Home with Essential Oils and Vinegar: Natural Antifungal Solutions

Not only is mold unsightly, but it can also be harmful to your health, causing respiratory problems and allergic reactions. If you want to prevent mold in your home, there are many natural methods you can try, including using essential oils and vinegar as a cleaner.

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