12 Ways to use tea tree Oil

Tea Tree oil is a powerful essential oil known for its healing properties for your skin. Here are 12 ways you can benefit from tea tree oil!

Dilution recommendations are meant for adults, for a children's dilution chart check here

Tea Tree is not meant to treat any illness, contact your doctor for medical treatment if needed. 


Dilute 2 drops with 1 tsp of a carrier oil and apply around the wound to reduce risk of infection and speed up healing. Once the wound is almost healed, add lavender and frankincense to reduce scarring. 


In a 10 mL roller bottle, combine 10-15 drops (adult dilution) of tea tree oil and fill the rest with a carrier oil. Roll along the spine and bottoms of feet. 

Canker/Cold Sores

Apply one drop of tea tree directly on the canker sore twice a day until completely healed. For an extra boost, add clove oil. 

Athletes Foot

Combine 2 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tsp of a carrier oil and rub on feet daily. For quicker results, soak feet in warm water with ½ C of Epsom salts and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil weekly. 

Sore Throat

Add one drop of tea tree oil in a glass of water with a pinch of salt, gargle and spit out the solution. Do as needed until your sore throat is gone. 


Add one drop of tea tree oil to your shampoo with every wash.


Combine 2 drops with 1 tsp of a carrier oil and apply over scabies twice a day until completely gone. 

Ear Infection

Using a roller bottle, apply diluted tea tree oil around the affected ear. Do NOT put essential oils inside your ear. 


Add a drop of tea tree to your daily face wash and moisturizer. Apply daily as normal. 

Pink Eye

Using a roller bottle, apply diluted tea tree oil around the eye socket. Be sure not to get too close to your eye. 


Dilute 2 drops of tea tree with 1 tsp of a carrier oil and apply over rash daily until it’s healed. If the rash is red and itchy, add a drop of lavender oil for a soothing effect. 

Cavity Prevention

Add a drop of tea tree oil to a glass of water and swish after brushing teeth daily. 

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