What you need to know before using essential oils 

Essential oils are a great addition to your wellness routine. However, use them with care and caution. 

Essential oils can make your house smell great, are a fun addition to your DIYs, and are what I consider to be a must-have in your holistic medicine cabinet. Before using essential oils, read through these safety tips so you can make educated choices with how you use essential oils on yourself, your children, and your pets!

Read labels 

Most companies provide safety information and instructions for use directly on the label. Be sure to read the label thoroughly before using any essential oil. 

Be Cautious With Kids 

Essential oils can benefit kids, but take extra caution as their bodies are smaller and more sensitive. 

Do not use essential oils with infants under 3 months old. If your little ones are old enough to begin using essential oils, follow dilution guidelines for their age range. More on this in a bit!

Common oils to avoid with kids - (download full list in guide)

  • Peppermint

  • Eucalyptus

  • Clove

  • Wintergreen

  • Rosemary

  • Birch 

You can find more information on essential oils for children in this post!

Precautions with pets 

While many essential oils are safe for your pets, there are some you may want to avoid. Certain oils could potentially cause a negative reaction like difficulty breathing, tremors, or vomiting. If this occurs, contact your pet’s veterinarian. Remember, just like humans, every pet is different. Always consult with your pet’s veterinarian for the best advice to follow!

Common oils to avoid with pets - (full list in free guide)

  • Basil

  • Birch

  • Cinnamon

  • Clove

  • Dill

  • Fennel

  • Tea Tree

  • Oregano

  • Peppermint

  • Thyme

  • Rosemary

  • Spearmint

  • Wintergreen

Shop pet-friendly essential oils here by using the “cat safe” + “dog safe” filter on the left side panel. 

To learn more about essential oil safety and pets, read this post!

Pregnancy safety

Pregnancy requires extra care and caution. Essential oils are no different. Many essential oils can be incredibly beneficial throughout pregnancy, but there are some you want to avoid. 

Common oils to avoid during pregnancy - (full list in guide)

  • Aniseed

  • Basil

  • Birch

  • Camphor

  • Clary Sage

  • Oak Moss

  • Parsley Seed or Leaf

  • Peppermint

  • Rosemary

  • Tansy

  • Thuja

  • Thyme

  • Wintergreen

For tips on using essential oils during pregnancy, read this post!

Always dilute 

Essential oils are potent! A little goes a long way, so always use a carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil when applying essential oils.

You can learn more about which carrier oils to use here!

For Children - 

Children under 2: follow a .25-.5% dilution ratio or 1 drop of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil

Children ages 2-5: follow a .5% dilution ratio or 1 drop of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil

Children ages 6-10: follow a 1% dilution ratio or 2 drops of essential oils per 10ml of carrier oil

For Adults - 

Frail or elderly: follow a .5% dilution ratio or 1 drop of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil 

Pregnant or breastfeeding and face care: follow a 1% dilution ratio or 2 drops of essential oils per 10ml of carrier oil 

General wellness, massage, skin care, or daily use: follow a 3% dilution ratio or 5-6 drops of essential oils per 10ml of carrier oil 

Healing, aches and pains, or temporary use: follow a 5% dilution ratio or 8-10 drops per 10ml of carrier oil 

Never ingest

Despite what some may say, essential oils should never be ingested. They are highly concentrated and not intended for consumption. Essential oils offer a variety of benefits, all of which can be achieved through aromatic or topical use! 

I hope you found these tips helpful and feel more empowered to use essential oils safely and with confidence! To learn more about essential oils, reducing toxins, and all things natural living, sign up for the Liv Holistic Membership!  (it’s free!)

Our membership community includes exclusive blog posts, Q + A Threads, Live Chats, All Access DIY Solutions, Aromatherapy Blends, and the best part - community! 

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