5 Essential oil myths: busted 

I’ve been using essential oils for years and have come across a lot of conflicting information on essential oil safety and best practices. I’m constantly learning new things and unlearning things I thought to be true, so I want to dispel some of the common myths I hear when it comes to essential oils!

“If the plant is safe to eat, the essential oil is safe to ingest.”

No essential oils are safe to consume. Essential oils are HIGHLY concentrated and ingesting can be seriously harmful to your body. 

“There are no side effects with essential oils.”

Everything comes with side effects! Even water can be harmful when you’re careless, keeping your hydrated or causing you to drown. Of course, essential oils come with risks and should be handled carefully. 

Read this post to learn more about what you need to know before using essential oils!

“Most oils don’t need to be diluted when applying topically.”

Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Essential oils evaporate off the skin quickly, which is why you use a carrier oil to help the skin better absorb the essential oil. Diluting your oils also makes them last longer and reduces the risk of redness or irritation. 

“It is impossible to have an allergic reaction to an essential oil.”

You can have an allergic reaction to just about anything! There’s almost always an alternative when using essential oils, so no need to risk it! Lavender, for example, is a common allergen, but you can easily swap it with cedarwood, which has similar properties. 

“If the oils are inexpensive, they’re probably fake.”

Expensive doesn’t always mean better! Essential oils aren’t regulated by the FDA, so many cheaper oils on the market can be filled with who knows what. However, there are several companies that offer high-quality essential oils at a reasonable price. When purchasing essential oils, don’t just go off of the price! Always look for third-party quality testing. Some of my favorites are Guru Nanda and Simply Earth Oils. 

You can learn more about choosing high-quality essential oils in this post!

Essential oils are great tools that serve many purposes, but it’s important to know how to use them properly and safely. Download my Essential Oil Safety 101 Guide by signing up for my newsletter!