3 Benefits of Waking up 30 Minutes Earlier

I’m all about self care, I literally am building a business with self care as the center point. So when I recommend someone to wake up 30 minutes earlier as a form of self care, I get a death stare. Like they want to push me off a cliff for even THINKING about recommending that. 

And I agree, it sounds crazy. 

I'm not naturally a morning person, so I get it. 

But hear me out. 

Because I was able to do this for myself, a person who would sleep in till 9:30 everyday if I allowed myself. I always wrote down “wake up at 6:30 am” on my goal list and it became a laughing joke with my friends and family, “Liv waking up early? I’ll believe it when I see it!” 

You get the point, if I can do this - ANYONE can do this. 

But once you have the WHY down pat, the HOW comes much easier.

Here are 3 benefits to waking up 30 minutes before your normal wake up time:

Puts you in control:

It’s not easy to get out of a warm, cozy bed. Starting your day with a WIN like waking up right when your alarm goes off triggers your mind to believing you can do hard things. You’ll have the time to do the things that you WANT to do like enjoy your coffee, write in your gratitude journal, exercise, take a bath, meditate, etc. These extra 30 minutes in your day are meant for YOU. 

Reduces Stress:

You won’t be rushing to get out the door, you’ll have the extra time to walk out the door at a proper time instead of running around the house like a chicken with it’s head cut off. No judgement, I’m speaking from my own personal experience. I also used to be LATE to everything, and if I’m being honest I still am sometimes but I’ve gotten significantly better at it since waking up earlier. My chronic lateness was directly linked to being a late sleeper. Waking up earlier killed two birds with one stone. (I really dislike that expression, but you know the meaning). 

You’ll feel more organized:

You’ll have time to get things ready for work, your day, you’ll be grounded and ready to tackle your day. You’ll be starting your day with a win, when you take control of your morning routine, it sets you up for success for the rest of your day.

You’re worthy of this. Do it for you. Thank you for showing up for yourself and making the world a better place. XO