Clean whitening Strips - and safe for sensitive teeth!

Conventional whitening strips contain toxic chemicals that can cause sensitivity over time and can be damaging to your teeth.

But hey, we all want bright and shiny teeth, right?!

No matter how much you brush, floss, and use mouthwash, sometimes your teeth don’t look as bright and white as you want. Coffee, tea, soda, wine, juice, fruit, and even some starchy foods like pasta or potatoes can cause staining. Of course, you can avoid these foods altogether, but who wants to skip out on coffee..?

Good news for you, there are natural teeth whitening options that are safe for sensitive teeth and have all-natural ingredients! 

Mentadent Gentle Teeth Whitening Strips are safe for sensitive teeth and give you whiter teeth in 3-5 days!

How do they work? 

Mentadent Gentle Teeth Whitening Strips are made with coconut oil, offering the perfect solution to whiten teeth, even for those will sensitive teeth and gums. Not only do they whiten your teeth, but they also reduce tooth and gum sensitivity caused by hydrogen peroxide. Because they're made with all-natural ingredients to not only whiten but clean your teeth, they’ll leave you with that 'just got out of the dentist' fresh and clean feeling!

How to use them 

Mentadent works similarly to other whitening strips, with easy-to-use strips you apply directly on your teeth. You’ll leave them on for about 60 minutes while you enjoy a nice yoga flow, watch your favorite show, or take a nice Epsom salt bath. Afterward, brush your teeth to remove any excess residue and enjoy your bright, white smile!

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