4 Signs You’re Low in Magnesium 

Magnesium is an essential mineral in the body that’s responsible for various functions necessary to keep you feeling well. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting enough magnesium, which is why you may be experiencing these symptoms. 

Low energy 

We all feel low energy from time to time, but if you feel like you’re constantly low on energy, even after a good night’s sleep, it may be due to low magnesium. Magnesium helps your body convert your food into energy. Without it, you’re not getting the most out of the foods that are meant to fuel you. 

Pins and needles 

Do your fingers or toes ever feel kind of tingly? Since magnesium plays a role in nerve impulses, lack of magnesium can lead to numbness or tingling.

Muscle spasms

Magnesium helps contract and relax your muscles and assists in synthesizing protein to strengthen your muscles. Low magnesium levels can leave your muscles feeling out of control, and you may experience muscle spasms or twitching.

Muscle cramps 

Muscle cramps are another common symptom of low magnesium. If you experience muscle cramps, especially during or after a workout, even when adequately hydrated, it could be due to low magnesium levels. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably experienced some or all of these symptoms. 

Once I learned more about the importance of magnesium, I was shocked at how much it can affect our bodies in big and small ways. 

Even more shocking? Just how great I felt after I started taking a magnesium supplement. You can read all about it here. 

I started taking Wholier’s magnesium a few months ago, and I’m never looking back. I love Wholier’s Night Minerals because it’s formulated with non-synthetic magnesium, calcium sustainably sourced from the sea, and real organic blackberries. 

If you want to try Wholier for yourself, click here to save 25% with code LIV25!

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