Vessel Health: Learn What Your Body Needs

Pee on a stick and learn what your body needs!

Vessel offers a personalized lifestyle plan, food recommendations, and customized supplements, all based on an at-home pee test and wellness quiz. 

I gave it a try for myself, and I can definitely say - it’s just as awesome as it sounds. 

You start with an easy, at-home test. 

You pee on the wellness card, wait 3.5 minutes, then scan the card to see your results on the app.

Before taking the vessel test, I had a feeling I was deficient in magnesium because I had all the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency. I purposely didn't take my night minerals magnesium supplement the day before the test because I wanted to see my baseline without any supplements. 

So it was no surprise that my results showed low magnesium. I was surprised, however, to find out I was deficient in Vitamin C!

After the app told me what I was deficient in, it showed a list of food options and asked me to choose a few of my favorites. As it turns out, these food options were high in the vitamins/minerals I'm deficient in!

Beyond food, they offer a wellness program made just for you. It's designed by doctors and nutritionists, with daily lessons and activities based on your goals, behaviors, and wellness card results.

I also had more questions relating to my results, so I messaged my very own nutritionist within the app. This app seriously has it ALL. 

My main focus is mood and energy levels, so I go into the app daily and read about the tips to boost those areas of my life. It's been a game changer in small but mighty ways. 

Vessel takes the guesswork out of your health and helps you discover exactly what your body needs to boost your wellness and feel your best - energized, low stress, and happy. 

Try Vessel for free here to see for yourself! 

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