Last minute DIY holiday gift
If you’re like me and doing things a *little* bit late - here’s a gift idea made out of ingredients you already have at home. Plus, who doesn’t love a fun DIY self care gift?!
How to clean an essential oil diffuser
To avoid mold and bacteria growth and keep your diffuser working as it should, remember to clean it regularly! Proper maintenance of your diffuser will ensure it continues to produce a lovely scent and you can continue to reap the aromatic benefits of your essential oils.
Essential oils for eczema
Eczema is a common skin condition that results in dry, itchy, inflamed skin. Eczema can be difficult to deal with and often hard to treat! If you’ve tried conventional eczema products without relief, it might be time to take a natural approach.
5 essential oils to get you through the winter
The colder months are approaching and these are the oils you’ll want to have on hand!
Benefits of oil pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove toxins and better your oral health.
How to choose a high-quality essential oil
With so many essential oils on the market today, it can be hard to determine which essential oils are quality and which are not! The quality of essential oils depends on several factors.
What to gift the girl who has everything
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the girl who has everything? No worries - I’ve got you covered. Here are a few ideas for unique gifts I know she'll love!
FAQ's for the DIY toenail fungus solution kit
The most asked questions about making the DIY Toenail fungus solution!
5 vegan desserts for your next holiday party
Just because you eat a vegan diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all of the treats the holidays have to offer! Here are 5 vegan desserts to make for your next holiday party.
Sustainable Women-Owned Holiday Shopping List
I’ve pulled together some of my favorite sustainable, women-owned brands to help your finish off your holiday shopping with purpose and ease!
Using Essential Oils to Treat a Wart
Warts can be contagious, spreading to other areas of the body or other people, so it’s a good idea to treat them when they appear. The good news is, warts are easy to treat at home, with essential oils you likely already have on hand!
4 Juice Recipes for Inflammation, Glowing Skin, Immune Support, and Gut Health
Juicing is an easy way to flood your body with nutrients, promote detox, boost your energy levels, and so much more. Here are 4 juice recipes to boost your health!
What's the best carrier oil for your skin?
Carrier oils are an important tool when using essential oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated, meaning you only need a small amount to reap the benefits. Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oil when applied to your skin for safety and maximum absorption!
How to reduce stress during the holidays
Between the parties to attend, gifts to shop for, and trying to fit in all the fun holiday activities, it can be overwhelming. The stress of the holidays can feel all-consuming, but the good news is there are things you can do to naturally reduce your stress levels!
Sustainable and nontoxic food storage
If you’re looking to live more sustainably, food storage is a great place to start! The average person uses a ton of single-use plastic to wrap, store, freeze, and package their food.
My small business holiday shopping list
Which are you more proud of to say, “Hey I found these cute earrings for you at Target!” OR…. “I found this amazing small business who makes HANDMADE clay earrings, I instantly thought of you and ordered them right away!”
Reduce odors in your home without toxic air fresheners
Everyone wants a house that smells clean and fresh 24/7, but sometimes odors creep in. You may be tempted to spray an air freshener to freshen up your space, but trust me, there’s a better way!
Essential oils in the bath
There’s nothing quite like a bath to relax and unwind. A warm bath alone is therapeutic and can have many health benefits. Essential oils can be added to your bath to create an even more relaxing experience and benefit your health in a variety of ways!