5 Quick benefits of diffusing
Diffusing essential oils is not only a simply swap for candles to reduce toxins, but it also comes with a list of benefits on its own!
11 Sources of plant-based protein
When eating a vegan or plant-based diet, the common concern for many is that they may be lacking sufficient protein. But have no fear, eating enough protein on a vegan diet is easy! I’ll share with you some of my favorite sources of plant-based protein.
DIY: toilet bombs (like a bath bomb that'll clean your toilet for you!)
A commonly asked for DIY: Toilet Bombs. Similar to a bath bomb, except it’ll keep your toilet clean. Non-toxic, plastic free, and only cost pennies to make!
Greenwashing - what it is and what to look out for
Marketing and advertising can often trick us into thinking we are buying something that we’re not. You may believe that you're purchasing a clean product, but always read the labels!
5 Simple swaps to begin reducing toxins in your home
It may feel overwhelming when you’re just beginning to learn about the toxins in your everyday products. But don't worry, I’m here to help!
Midday "pick me up" with essential oils
Need an afternoon pick me up? Let me introduce you to three of my favorite energizing essential oils!
Essential oil safety and pets
While most of your everyday essential oils like lavender, lemon, and frankincense are perfectly safe to use around your pets, there are some you may want to avoid. Check this list before using oils on your pets.
DIY: underarm detox clay mask
Switching to a natural deodorant is a simple way to reduce toxins. However, many people are quick to decide that natural deodorant doesn’t work for them. Here’s how to have a nice transition!
4 Benefits of Oil Pulling
Oil pulling benefits go beyond that “after dentist fresh” feeling + whiter teeth! Here are 4 benefits of oil pulling!
What is "fair trade" and why does it matter?
We know that shopping “fair trade” is a good thing, but what does it actually mean? This blog post breaks it down for you.
Non-alcoholic buzz worthy drinks made by plants: A Review.
The “buzz” without the “booze.” Alcohol free drinks made from plants are all the buzz, here’s my personal review on Three Spirit.
4 Tips for eating vegan on a budget
“I could never be a vegan, it’s too expensive!” If you’re serious about going vegan - this blog post shares 4 tips to going vegan while on a budget.
DIY: Lipgloss (may also help soothe a cold sore!)
Our skin absorbs everything we put on it, and our lips our no different. In fact, our lips absorb even MORE since we tend to lick our lips throughout the day. A nontoxic lip gloss is essential, and this one may help soothe a cold sore this winter.
Reduce indoor air pollution with this swap
Wall plug ins are a thing of the past: they’re flammable, highly toxic, and can trigger allergies. Swap your wall plug ins with the essential oil alternative - just as effective, without the toxins.
DIY Perfume with essential oils
Making your own perfume is a simple way to reduce synthetic fragrances while still smelling amazing! These “perfumes” are easy to make and have mood boosting properties!
How to properly dilute essential oils for kids
Essential oils can be very beneficial for kids, however, proper dilution is a must for safety. This blog post breaks down proper dilution based off age.
12 Ways to use tea tree Oil
Tea Tree essential is known for reducing acne, but this powerful oil has many more benefits! Here are 12 ways you can use tea tree oil.
DIY dry shampoo
No more white marks and nasty chemicals in your dry shampoo! This 2 ingredient super simple DIY will replace your aerosol can dry shampoo!