Top 11 Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil is one of the most effective oils at managing pain because of its cooling, invigorating, and antispasmodic properties.
Top 11 Uses for Tea Tree Essential Oil
These benefits include antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties that can help with a variety of skin and scalp issues. Here are some of the top benefits of tea tree essential oil!
DIY Nail Growth + Strengthening Serum
To grow my nails back, I made a DIY serum using essential oils and my nails are back to being strong! Here’s my DIY recipe that saved my nails and keeps them strong and healthy!
Top 11 Uses for Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil is one of the most versatile and widely used essential oils in the world. It has a calming and relaxing effect, making it a popular choice for use in aromatherapy. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties. Here are ten uses for lavender essential oil that you can try at home!
The Best House Plants that Purify the Air
When it comes to improving the air quality in our homes or offices, plants are one of the best natural solutions. Not only do they add a touch of greenery to our spaces, but they also help to remove harmful toxins from the air. Here are some of the best plants for purifying the air!
Top Ways to Use Essential Oils with Kids this Summer
Summer is my favorite season. As a kid, I was outside everyday in the summer - swimming, running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, on the swing set, playing in the creek, all the outside things. I’m still outside everyday in the summer and doing a lot of the same things, and now I get to do these same summer fun activities with my nephews and niece. Here are some ways I’m using essential oils for myself and the kids this summer!
My Top 5 Nontoxic DIYs for a Holistic Home
Reducing toxins in your home is an essential part of maintaining a healthy environment for you and your family. Many commercial cleaning products and personal care items contain harmful chemicals that can negatively impact your health and the environment.
The Dark Side of Fragrances: Unveiling the Toxic Ingredients + Side Effects
I remember spraying Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body Works all over myself every day when I was in high school. In college, I upgraded to JLo’s signature perfume. The thought of it makes me cringe a little bit because now I would NEVER. Perfumes and cologne are made typically made synthetic fragrances that comes with side effects.
If I Could ONLY Have 10 Oils, It'd Be These
The first 5 launch was simple, the 5 I use the most. The second 5 was more difficult to come up with because I use A LOT of different oils weekly for various things and I love them ALL!
Non Toxic Sunscreens for the Whole Family (No White Cast!)
What is a non toxic sunscreen that DOESN’T leave me looking like a ghost or even purple?!
I did the research and tested out a few brands - here are my top:
5 Non-Toxic Cleaning DIYs you Need to Make
Store Bought cleaning brands are full of toxins that can irritate your eyes, lungs, and throat, cause a rash, disrupt your hormones, and even cause infertility. We don’t even need those ingredients in the cleaners - there are nontoxic ingredients that work just as well if not better! Not only are DIY cleaners better for you, your family, your home, they’re also better for the environment and much more sustainable! Here are all the DIY recipes you’ll need to clean this year!
The Ultimate Guide to Using Essential Oils with Pets (Don’t make these mistakes)
I would do anything for my dog, Toby, and cat, Ziggy. I think most of us would. We love our pets like family because they ARE family. If you’re using essential oils around your loved furbabies, let’s make sure you’re using them safely and properly for everyone in the house.
Nontoxic Ways to Keep Bugs Away this Summer
When I first arrived in Fiji, the bugs LOVED me - my legs were covered in bites from various bugs - ants, mosquitoes, and flies mainly. I didn’t want to be covered in bug bites and risk Dengue, but I also didn’t want to use the toxic bug spray.
So I did what I knew best, and made my own bug spray using essential oils.
Top Essential Oils You Need This Allergy Season
If you’re looking for a natural way to manage your seasonal allergies, look no further - I gotchu girl.
Essential Oil Mistakes You Might be Making and How to Use Them Correctly: A beginners Guide to Essential Oils
I love essential oils and I use them daily. But when I first started using them, I had no idea what I was doing - I made BIG mistakes, like ingesting them, not diluting them properly, even using some oils on my cat!
How to Get the Best Night's Sleep with Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a critical role in our body's functions, such as regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. It also helps with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. However, our body cannot produce magnesium on its own, so we need to obtain it through our diet or supplements.
DIY Nontoxic Spring Cleaning
Spring is finally here, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning. It's the perfect time to open up your windows, let in some fresh air, and give your home a deep clean after a long winter.